I'll tell you one of the event!!

The sum and target age of Otoshidama(New Year's gift) is different in each family and each relative.
In my case.......
☆kindergartner-first to six grades in elementary
In my case.......
☆kindergartner-first to six grades in elementary
☆University student→5000yen or 10000yen(about 100 dollars)
and the pouch that we put the money called
There are many kind of pouch, we buy it or make it near the New Year's day!!
this web-sight has a model of pochibukuro(ポチ袋).
please check and try it!!
・・・ イラストレーターのポチ袋(the pochibukuro made by illustrator)
・・・手作りファクトリー(hand-made factory)
At the first pochibukuro was used in Kansai area especially for geigi(芸妓-like a maiko舞妓-)'s tip and the sum of money wasn't a lot so the pouch that put the money was called pochi (=a little, just a small present)and now the pouch that we use called pochibukuro!!
・・・手作りファクトリー(hand-made factory)
At the first pochibukuro was used in Kansai area especially for geigi(芸妓-like a maiko舞妓-)'s tip and the sum of money wasn't a lot so the pouch that put the money was called pochi (=a little, just a small present)and now the pouch that we use called pochibukuro!!
Do you have any special things in the New Year's Day?! I would like to know the special New Year's event in the world!!!
Thank you for reading my blog!!
☆See you☆
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